Hello and welcome to the first post of Life in the Arts with Miss Thera! Allow me to introduce myself as we dive into this new blog about the arts.

I am a multi-media artist.
That’s really the best way I can describe it. I’m a dancer, actor, music-maker, digital, textile and visual artist; writer, face & body artist, hairstylist and likely some other kind of artist that I’m just not remembering right now.
No jokes here – I really do! It’s called ADHD! I was told it was a bad thing growing up and for the longest time I believed it (how ridiculous is that?!). Once I stopped trying to cover up my powers and grew to love and accept them, I realized I could utilize my “diagnosis” for some serious good!
I adore arts education and teaching.
Due to my awesome powers, I struggled a lot in public school (seriously, I was a straight F student at times); but I always thrived in the arts. Now that I have become an arts educator, I find that my experiences inform the way I teach. I love connecting with kids that are “bored” or “distractible,” and delight in the challenge of transforming their education.
Autumn/Halloween is my favorite Season/Holiday!
Autumnal décor makes its first appearance in our home in early September and continues to bring our family joy through December! We have been watching Halloween movies for weeks, and now that October is finally here the kids get to open their Halloween Advent Calendar daily with fun treats and excitement hidden in each box! Crunching leaves, making costumes, beautiful colors and festive aromas… What’s not to love?!
I am a musical theatre nerd!
I spend my days singing show tunes at the top of my lungs. I also sing constantly about my day to day activities, essentially turning my life into a musical. I honestly can’t tell you what my favorite musical is… too many favorites!
I play ukulele.
Not a master at it by any means, but I was gifted a ukulele for Mother’s Day this year (2020) after wanting to learn for a very long time. This coincided perfectly with being stuck in the house for the foreseeable future, giving me lots to learn and practice.
I love Nature!
My love for nature started when I was a kid, camping and hiking in the Rocky Mountains, summer plant walks, visiting hot springs, road trips to the Grand Canyon, and beachcombing on either coast. Now I take my kids and pup nature adventuring in the Pacific Northwest Cascade Mountains and the Olympic Peninsula.
I am a “Forever Student.”
After struggling through traditional public schooling, I re-discovered my love for learning as an adult. Thanks to the “hyper-focus” of ADHD, I spend my free time dreaming of things I’d like to learn about and then figuring out how they work. I’m currently brushing up on my web development skills and diving deep into music theory and songwriting.
My hair has been nearly every color in the rainbow.
Due to years as a cosmetologist, my hair has seen many colors both natural and supernatural, currently sitting at a lovely lavender hue with teal-dipped tips. Life gets boring when you don’t color your hair the colors of the rainbow and if you’ve never tried it, I highly suggest it!
Mythology and magical creatures fascinate me!
I despised reading as a kid but fondly remember spending hours flipping through Greek mythology and fantasy books, reading about minotaurs, mermaids and other mythical creatures. My favorite book from childhood was Voyage of the Basset and the artwork is absolutely stunning! There isn’t a time I can remember in life where I didn’t dream of being a fairy and I have a collection of fairy figurines from my childhood. I also have a hoard of fantasy trinkets and this year I have started diving into the world of Dungeons & Dragons (as any fantasy nerd is bound to do at some point!)
Okie dokie… enough about me. If you wish to join in this adventure through a Life in the Arts subscribe to my newsletter to get updates on new posts and artsy things from time to time. You can also follow me over on Facebook & Instagram for more regular Miss Thera updates!
Do you have a secret superpower? Are you a musical theatre nerd deep down inside?! Tell me a bit about yourself in the comments. I am sure we have something magical in common!